Friday, July 1, 2011

Engagements - Teagan & Matt

Well, time for an update to this blog. I've got a couple sets of pictures to post today. This one is the engagement pictures I took for Teagan. If you have been following my photography for long enough, you'll recognize her from some of my older shoots. Teagan and Matt were wonderful subjects and they're both incredibly photogenic. This was just a good shoot.

 I really like this next one. Not sure why.

 Matt pulled this face and I told him to hold it so I could get a shot of it. Turned out really funny.

 There's that face again...

Well, there they are. This is just a small sample of the pictures. As usual, I took way too many of each pose in the hopes that I would get something good. What do you all think? Let me know in the comments.

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